Meet the Renovate Team

  • Emily S Bosscher


    Emily has been educating secondary and college students for 20 years, most recently in the capacity as Director of First Year Experience at Trinity Christian College. With Masters Degrees in English (MA ‘08) ad Firs Year Studies (MS ‘18), she has taught and presented on Generation Z, First Generation, Diversity and Inclusion, and First Year Programs both nationally and internationally. In 2018, she received the Midwest First-Year Champion Award for her  work in the field.

    After growing up in a wide range of diverse communities and places,  Emily has long seen the need for justice and equity, and in collaborating with Nicole  Saint-Victor, Emily is tapping into her passions for both underrepresented and marginalized students, while helping other organizations grow in their work with these  groups, and the work of anti-racism in educational settings. She is also passionate about studying and teaching the Enneagram and its importance in organizational settings.

    Emily currently lives and works as an Instructional Designer in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado.

  • Nicole Saint-Victor


    Nicole discovered her passion for leadership and serving the ecumenical Higher Education community through the completion of her undergraduate work at Trinity Christian College in 2012. Her recent graduation from Western Theological Seminary (MA, 2021), coupled with her 25 years of observing culture and its impact on emerging leaders, prepared Nicole to help open honest dialogues and confront the real changes that need to happen in organizations when it comes to issues of inclusion, opportunity, equity, and anti-racism.

    Currently an Affiliate Professor of Music and the Director of Multicultural Engagement and The Table at Trinity Christian College, Nicole has been recognized for her work both on campus and in broader higher education settings through her admission to the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities’ Commission on Diversity and Inclusion in the Spring of 2020, being a two-time Catherine Yonker Award Recipient at Trinity Christian College in 2019 and 2020, and the Recipient of the Faculty Award for Advocacy and Racial Reconciliation at Western Theological Seminary. She has recently been invited to be a part of a 12 -month “Seek the Welfare: Faith, Community, Sustainability and a New Vision” experience hosted by Leadership Education at Duke Divinity. The work at Renovate embodies her passion for sharing her experiences while raising up strong leaders within the church and higher education to be those who shape a new culture of Race and Reconciliation and Diversity and Inclusion in this world.

    Nicole currently lives in Illinois with her husband and two children.

Disrupt the leadership status quo.

Renovate:Accessible Leadership Development

Now that you know WHO we are, you might be wondering, what does Renovate do exactly and why do we do it?

Renovate was born out of conversations the two of us had around our own experiences in smaller-sized organizations and employment spaces. We each have 20+ years of working in these types of organizations and have recognized the need for intentional and personal leadership development of employees in these environments through what we’ve observed on the job AND through our own personal experiences.

We have found that sometimes employers know there is a need for change within their staff, but often it’s the employees who know before the employers, but aren’t sure how to communicate that need or reality to the employers. In our work, we provide workshops and training events that can help give employees a voice in identifying the changes that need to happen, as well as specific recommendations for change and guidance to implement those recommendations moving forward.

The reality is that even if employers know changes need to occur, often both employers and employees are painfully aware that in the busyness of day-to-day functions in the office, not enough time and attention is dedicated to developing the individual skills and gifts of each employee to contribute more fully to the greater goals or strategic plans of the group. Or, they are aware that the changes that need to be made sit close to the heart of the leadership or organizational structure, making them hard to identify or root out without an outside perspective to distance from personal egos and feelings.

The worst part though, is that it is when things begin to fall apart, when it is almost too late, that the need becomes apparent, and then the desperate question becomes HOW do we fix it? That’s where we come in.

Renovate was designed to disrupt the status quo in an office or department.

We root out the preconceived notions of who each employee is and instead discover the true gifts and attributes they bring to their work. We take a cultivating tool to the way things have always been done, loosening up the soil or culture of the office to prepare for a new garden, a new way of nurturing employees for individual growth that helps the whole department achieve a harvest, if you will, in meeting or exceeding strategic goals. Our idea is that renovation is like the process of gardening. In order to produce, you must disrupt systems, disrupt soil, or pull up what is dead. Then gardens need fertilization, compost, and nutrients put back into the soil. That’s what we do.

After disrupting the environment and discovering what isn’t healthy or working, we provide individualized recommendations for the nurture of each employee to help them find joy in their work, produce healthy outcomes, and continue to grow as people and leaders.